TROY, Michigan—April 10, 2013—Helioforge is a do-it-yourself (DIY) self-replicable solar kiln designed to put the power of manufacturing in your backyard.
The Helioforge project has launched its foundational crowd sourced funding effort using Indiegogo. The project is accepting contributions to their campaign at and collaborating on their website
The Helioforge project is dedicated to the crowd sourced development of open source self-replicating machines which utilize solar power and ubiquitous or recycled materials to produce useful goods or energy.
Over the next few months, the Helioforge project initiative will attempt to demonstrate a proof of the concept by using sunlight to melt glass into a mold made of its own Fresnel concentrator lens. Subsequent efforts will demonstrate the reproduction of heliostatic armatures and casting beds.
If these experiments are successful, it will be possible to empower people throughout the developing world by offering ready access to the means to shape durable materials into useful tools. The key to the distribution of the system comes from the property of self-replicability and its utilization of recycled materials.
By making the designs open source, collaborative, and available on the web, Helioforge hopes to make the most of volunteers, domain experts, and the Maker community.
Eventually the group plans on expanding the system to include designs for products which can be manufactured using the system including solar 3D printers, hydrogen crackers, and a flotsam remediation device which will “grow” its own boom by heating and molding recovered plastic into new modular elements.
Media Contact:
Brian Krent
+1 248-635-6562
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